Dear Leaners, brace yourself up for a ravishing Self Love entry by Anjana! We would let this dynamic lady do the honors. You know, her introduction, and all that jazz!
HII. I'm Anjana a.k.a Shruthyy :)
Okay, so I'm not really great with jotting down my thoughts in words so let me tell you that this list is gonna be completely random..'Cause being organised has never been my cup of tea! So yeah, this is just my train of thoughts.. here you go :)
And also, excuse me if they are any typos!
LeanOnTree - You go lady! We have already braced ourselves!
- 1. Meri SMILE.. I honestly believe that my smile can make anyone's day..Cos well, its beautiful :) And also because my teeth are pretty much perfect :P
- I have a tiny Mole on my right ear lobe.. and I find it to be the cutest thing ever! It's so ordinary and yet so unique !
- I have this amazing, brilliant habit of cheering myself up if something goes wrong or my mood isn't that great !! And trust me, It has helped me overcome soo many situations in life..all by myself :)
- I totally love the texture and the color of my skin..some call it baby skin, It's just soo soft and smooth! And the tanned color, I had a hard time accepting it as a kid, but, I have now grown to love it completely.
- Being open minded is something I have always appreciated about myself.
- To love unconditionally. I love that quality of mine. Once I love someone, I'll completely love them without any boundaries or conditions. It hasn't always bought me the best of results.. but, I can never let go of that quality. I feel that I am blessed to be able to love unconditionally.
- I love the fact that I will always stand up for something if I feel it is right, no matter what the consequences. Again, tough stuff.. but, I have enjoyed every bit of it.
- I live to learn. I love the way my eyes get all wide and curious when I'm learning something new. I guess it's the whole process of learning.. totally gets me!
- I love that, half of the time, I end up laughing at myself :P It might seem silly to other people but I honestly find humour in the mistakes I make or the reactions I give. What can I say? I'm a piece of art :P
- Empathy is something that comes naturally to me. I love that.
- Um.. I just cannot be organised, no matter how hard I try! But, I have come to realize that clumsy and messed up people like myself always have a tinge of surprise left in them! And of course, I love being 'not-organized'.
- MY HAIR. The love of my life. I don't have to straighten it or curl it or do anything to make it look okay. It just sets all by itself.. in a different way, each time ! I know, awesome right?
- My handwriting! I love the way it's so messy and I have my own font. I have no idea why some people find it hard to read.. According to me, It's totally brilliant :P The best part is it changes according to my mood.
- My face is the window to my soul. If you know me, you can just guess the way I'm feeling by looking at my face! You can say that I'm transparent..But what I love about that is, it's just so raw. No filter. And isn't that a rarity these days?
- The palm of my hands. They're baby soft and a really pretty shade of pink. I love them !
- Yes, like any other girl..I'm a spendthrift. I love that too.. cos It just makes me wanna build up my bank balance a billion times more !
- I can listen to others. As long as they want me to. Listening to others is something that I have worked on.. I wasn't always this good at it. But, now that I am.. I love it.
- The way I can forgive people is something that takes me by surprise as well ! I just simply forgive.. I don't know how I do it..But I just do..And, I do forgive but, forgetting is another story ;)
- The fact that I'm straight-forward. It has got me into trouble, more than it has done me any good. That doesn't change the fact that I love it.
- My patience. I'm not saying I have alot.. I do have enough & that's something I really do love.
- Now, this may seem contradicting to my previous point.. But, well, I really, absolutely love my anger!! The way I express it.. The way I feel it. It's a part of me, and I love it.
- My imagination is my gift. I love the way it works. It allows me to come up with the most amazing ideas. My creativity is just mindblowing!
- I'm a kid at heart ! Blowing bubbles bring me the ultimate joy ! I still do love eating cotton candy :P
- The way I love a person.. I take in every tiny detail that is there to them. I make them feel really special. Ultimate love feels :P
- The way my eyes sparkle with excitement and contentment whenever I'm at the beach. The waves, the feel of sand under my feet.. heaven :)
- My mistakes are a part of who I am, today. No matter how big, small, irresponsible, stupid, they might have been..I embrace my mistakes proudly. My scars mark my battle wounds. They taught me survival.
- No matter how I feel, or how ever my day might have been..good, bad, great, worse..I can always make another person smile. I feel beautiful when I make people happy.. It adds meaning to my day!
- The way I confidently say that I'm gonna make it BIG in life when people ask me about my plans. I still don't exactly know how I'm gonna do it.. but, I will. My confidence marks the essence to my dreams and ambitions.
- I'm not an atheist and neither am I a follower of any particular religion. For me, GOD is one.. The Universe. The Geeta, Bible, Quran.. I want to read them all! This secularism is what I love and adore about myself.
- Dog, cat, rabbit, elephant, horse, it any animal, I totally love them ! I'm a hugeee animal lover at heart and I absolutely love the way they make me feel.
- The way I apply my Kajal and eyeliner. I apply it with such ease and perfection..and I also love that, I don't need any other kinda make up to brighten up my face!
- I'm completely genuine. I love myself for that.
- My body. I'm definitely not thin.. I'm curvy. And, I really do love the way my body is shaped. I love the fact that my shape, my weight is always under my control. I can be fat or thin.. just I choose to be :P
- I'm NOT a hardworker, I never have been. I have mostly got around by working smart. So, I guess you could call my a smart worker. The thing that I love the most about it, is that, smart work also demands the use of creativity and new ideas, which comes easily to me :)
- Giving up on the people I love and care about has never been my thing. Isn't that great?
- I still do believe in Magic. And, yes Miracles do happen ! (Not even kiddin')
- I'm a bathroom singer by birth :P I sing when I wanna forget about the world around me .. I really do love my voice.
- My eyebrows !!! I have never met any girl or woman who doesn't need trimming of her eyebrows after a while. And the best part is, my eyebrows naturally look as if they are trimmed ! It's a gift, really. Being a girl.
- I love the way I can adapt when situations call for it. It's been a boon.
- I have always thought that, the way I lead a group or work with them is brilliant. What do you call it, leadership quality? Yeah, I love that about myself.
- I completey enjoy meeting new people. It's a kind of rush when I interact with different souls. I always wanna know what is behind that mask everyone seems to wear. What can i say.. I'm a curious girl, and find my inquisitive pretty adorable about me!
- My love for FOOD. I'm one hugee foodie.. and no, I'm not even ashamed to admit it. Food.. anywhere, anytime.
- I can watch movies on and on for hours and hours together. I find a movie by itself is an art ! I'm planning on owning a theatre one day :P
- My compassion. Enough said.
- I love my mood swings. They take me by surprise as well, at times!
- My love for books. I truly believe that good books are an eternal gift. Reading books take me to a totally different world.. so beautiful.
- The way I make funny faces at people whenever I feel like. I'm crazy :P
- I love the way I hug people. I wanna hug myself once just to exprience that feel. My hugs are the best!
- The way I enjoy doing little acts of random kindness. I never realized this until a week back when I genuinely enjoyed talking to a maid at my college(After I bumped into her n she almost tripped).. Well, she's known to be 'khadoos'..but, guess what? She smiled ! :D
- The way I love my FAMILY. I don't know what else to say about this.. my love for my family knows no bounds.
- I love that I'm grateful for almost evrything in my life.. I have learnt to do that. Even for the unpleasant things.. cos I know there will always be a rainbow after the storm!
- I'm a hugeeee stationery addict!! Startng from scented erasers to colored post-its, I collect 'em alll :D
- And finally, my ZEST FOR LIFE is just amazing !


By Godd... Yeh toh aaj ekdum self obssession ho gayii.. LOL !
Thank You for this amazing platform LeanOnTree :) It's been soo wonderful doing this.. Lovin' myself more and more each day! :)
Lots of lovee and Magic!!
- Anjana :)
Well well well! Thank you Anjana for doing this! Your entry was pleasantly vague and very energetic! We loved each and every party of it! Good luck to you! Happy self loving!